Get prepared! | |
What do most humans do when they know something is about to happen, for example, hurricanes, financial crisis, wars, disease and pestilence, etc. Most prepare ahead of time. They board up windows, get an immunization to prevent disease, save up money in advance, move out of a potential war zone, etc. The point being, they prepare ahead of time instead of getting caught in a bad situation and suffering the consequences of not being prepared. They exercise what is known as common sense. I would like to ask a question. Why do some humans fail to prepare for what comes after this life here on earth, the afterlife? Everyone knows it is inevitable; no human lives forever. They may not want to think about it, but it will still happen eventually. Some even try to deny that God exists, plus they don't want to be accountable to Him or anyone else. This stance doesn't change the fact that eventually all will die and be judged. No amount of denial can change that. 2 Corinthians 5:10 (KJV) For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that every one may receive the things done in his body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Hebrews 9:27 (KJV) And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Since we know that we will not live forever, then it only makes good, common sense that we prepare for this event ahead of time, much like we prepare ahead of time for a hurricane, etc. Study God's word, the Bible. Study it completely and comply, prepare yourself for the inevitable. Seek the truth from God not man. God cannot lie, humans can and do lie. Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? 1 Kings 8:56 Blessed be the LORD, that hath given rest unto his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there hath not failed one word of all his good promise, which he promised by the hand of Moses his servant. Psalm 89:34 My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips. Psalm 89:35 Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie unto David. Psalm 119:160 Thy word is true from the beginning: and every one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever. Bible study sites and one TV channel: Dish Network channel 256 = Shepherds Chapel (Live streaming free on You-Tube and Roku also), highly recommended). Try the videos of Mr. Ravi Zacharias and Mr. John Lennox on You-Tube also. [This article gives us tips on how to and how not to study the Bible] [all of the old and new testament with study notes] (Bible study with explanation notes) [Plan of God, a little lengthy, but very informative] [true meaning of pertinent words] [Green's Interlinear Bible online = Hebrew and Greek manuscripts by book, chapter and verse with english translation of each word; Remember, Hebrew is written right to left.] | |
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