Invest Less Money and Get the Profit in Lakhs | |
Unique Idea + Investment = Successful Business Many small entrepreneurs have coined this formula in the 21st century. A business in 10000 rupees only needs a great idea and a small investment to become a huge success. The idea you come up with may be worth millions of dollars, but the investment you make may sometimes be less. So, should an amazing idea be left out? Not at all. It is only sometimes true to say that only hard investment leads to a successful business. The best businesses can be built under an investment of 10,000 rupees. There are identified not one but several unique business ideas that can be developed into a successful business with just 10,000 rupees in your pocket. | |
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Target State: All States Target City : Chennai Last Update : 26 August 2024 9:47 AM Number of Views: 137 | Item Owner : Zupain Contact Email: Contact Phone: +919212403001 |
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