Know the reason why shouldnt you wear running shoe for trekking | |
We know that there are different categories of footwear like trekking boots, running shoes and more. Each type caters for a specific purpose. However, most of us use each shoe for all purposes, such as men’s running shoes for trekking and hiking boots for running. However, the question to answer is whether it is a good practice. It is crucial to understand that each men’s casual shoe is made for a specific purpose and using it for anything other than the purpose will cause wear and tear, and fail to offer the most comfort. Trekking is one of the weekend activities most of us love to partake in. Immense preparation is required for trekking including wearing the right trekking boots. But, what if you wear running shoes for trekking? It is a big no, and let us examine why you should never wear running shoes for trekking. | |
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